mylk projects
function: graphic design
mylk projects
function: graphic design
mylk projects
function: graphic design

2018 Calendar

2018 Calendar

2018 Calendar

Every year since 2012, I have designed a printed calendar. Something I've come to enjoy. A side project that allows me to redesign something familiar by bringing to it only the changes that seem necessary. Of course, the process creates the result and to me, it is fittingly appropriate to meddle with its nature in a project involving time.

Every year since 2012, I have designed a printed calendar. Something I've come to enjoy. A side project to encapsulate the year that has been and the direction design has taken and a process to discover how potentially to do something new for a layout that has more or less remained the same.

Every year since 2012, I have designed a printed calendar. Something I've come to enjoy. A side project to encapsulate the year that has been and the direction design has taken and a process to discover how potentially to do something new for a layout that has more or less remained the same.





The calendar was designed with a simple two-fold layout with the days of the month running straight into the next, distinguishing them again with a simple two-tone colour scheme with the respective rows' colour indicated in the corresponding months'.

The calendar was designed with a simple two-fold layout with the days of the month running straight into the next, distinguishing them again with a simple two-tone colour scheme with the respective month colour indicated in the row which usually would have the mix

The calendar was designed with a simple two-fold layout with the days of the month running straight into the next, distinguishing them again with a simple two-tone colour scheme with the respective month colour indicated in the row which usually would have the mix




The consideration of the design was 'starting the year clean'. So clean in 2018, as in joy to be a Monday on the 1st of January.

The consideration of the design started with wanting to utilise the occasion of the year starting out clean, as in the first day of the year, Jan 01, a Monday.

The consideration of the design started with wanting to utilise the occasion of the year starting out clean, as in the first day of the year, Jan 01, a Monday.





The calendar was a matte print finish on 180 GSM A4 uncoated and untreated pure white paper and was beautifully handled by Moo.

The calendar was a matte print finish on 180 GSM A4 uncoated and untreated pure white paper and was beautifully handled by Moo.

The calendar was a matte print finish on 180 GSM A4 uncoated and untreated pure white paper and was beautifully handled by Moo.

© Mylk – 2018

© Mylk – 2018